Prothotics/Healthwest clinics - specialize in treating lower extremity overuse syndrome(s) related to biomechanical dysfunction(s). Providing solutions to patients aiding relief of their pain and suffering.
Our commitment to you and the referring medical community allows us to produce the highest standards of quality custom medical orthotics (insoles), augmented by the highest standards of services provided by our fully trained technicians and certified therapists.
- Professional assessment completed by a certified and trained therapist
- Both electro and deep tissue manual therapy
- Exercise and home care programs that empower the client to take responsibility for their long term well being.
- Professional assessment completed by a certified and trained therapist
- Medical Orthotics to stabilize biomechanical dysfunction
- Footwear to augment the Orthotic and allow for greater stability
- Therapies both electro and manual to provide an environment for optimal healing
- Exercise and home care programs that empower the client to take responsibility for their long term well being.
We know from over 20 years of experience that combining the above, provides the patient with the highest probability in reducing their pain maintaining long term health, allowing them to lead as active and pain free lifestyles as possible.